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Straight Wire CRESCENDO 3 Interconnect
STRAIGHTWIRE CRESCENDO 3, Reference Interconnect Cable [RCA or XLR].
[Terminated with golden Plugs. Balanced (XLR) Termination available. Also available in long lengths. ]
For high resolution separate components.
Level 4 cables by Straight Wire offer unique benefits such as:
- Supermicroporous PTFE Insulation
- Premium locking Gold/PTFE connectors
- Unique Silver/Copper coated conductors
These cables are not for the casual listener, utilizing Supermicroporous foam PTFE insulation and premium locking gold/PTFE connectors for high velocity of propagation and the best connections. Unique pure silver/copper coated conductors deliver speed, clarity & bass impact unobtainable from other cables.
Crescendo 3: is a dramatic departure from all existing interconnect designs. No other Straight Wire cable has utilized the advanced field testing and dealer input or undergone such minute refinement. With an advanced helix array of many conductor groups, it has the lowest resistance of any interconnect. All dynamic constraints are eliminated; remaining is the most holographically believable soundscape, capable of transporting the listener to the original recording space.
With Crescendo, music more than captivates the listener. You'll distinguish each musician and their instrument. Without the slightest hint of grain or glare, you'll take in every ounce of detail, allowing you to hear the entire performance venue. This component is for a select few who have the resources and environment to truly appreciate such a cable.
XLR (balanced termination) and Telescopic termination (tie the shield to ground at one end) are available along with standard RCA termination
Clear jacket over black/gray braid; Diameter 19mm (..740")
- Consumer Information :
Manufacturer InformationStraight Wire Inc.
2032 Scott Street
Fl 33020 Hollywood, US
Web: https://www.straightwire.com
Tel: +1 954.925.2470
Distributor in Germany (EU)
Robert Ross Audiophile Produkte GmbH
Warnings and information
Alemannenstr. 23
85095 Denkendorf
E-mail: R.Ross@robertross.de
Web: www.robertross.de
Tel: +49 8466-90 50 30
We currently have no safety information or warnings from the manufacturer.
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